About: WoodServ is an oilfield integrated service company that operates to enhance and support conventional and unconventional oil and gas fields by working directly with operators and concession holders that will assist in using proprietary developments and patented technology that will help with optimizing the ideal solution whilst also maximizing the oil and gas production by using and operating their own fleet of service and sub service equipment. 

WoodServ believes that it is fundamental to have the right expertise on hand as it provides their clients with customised solution that will fit their needs thoroughly. 

Summary: Dynamics 365 on perm was the ideal choice for WoodServ and has chosen Global iTS for the implementation. This ERP will help WoodServ manage their finances as well as procurement, whilst also managing their VAT and revenue module integration. Furthermore, BP was implemented as well having GiTS property module to help track the properties leasing as well as contracting units of BP being leased to clients.